The vision of FOEPAGIWO is to have equality access, opportunity and influence in all aspects of their public and private lives.


The mission of FOEPAGIWO is to educate and empower Girls and Women who are unprivileged to equal participation in social economic development, with the skills and confidence necessary to get a job. Create a healthy lifestyle and participate equally in development activities.


Foundation for Equal Participation of Girls and Women (Foepagiwo) is a non-governmental organization that ADVOCATES FOR THE EQUAL PARTICIPATION OF GIRLS & WOMEN in social economic activities for sustainable development of the society. The foundation is seeking to reduce ILLITERACY LEVELS, UNEMPLOYMENT and social injustice among the girls and women in Tanzania. Through Provision of psychosocial support and formulating women groups, Conducting empowerment training in vocational, entrepreneurship and financial management skills that envisions the best income generation activities.

While steering hygiene awareness raising campaign and advocacy strategies for the girls and women ability to participate in any development activities and promote legal and policy reforms that envisions the best interest of all girls and women. We the founding members of FOEPAGIWO ENVISAGE THE SOCIETY WHERE GIRLS AND WOMEN are independent, focused on social economic development and with a clear goal towards prosperity of or community in relation to rights and health. FOEPAGIWO acknowledge that education Inspiration and Motivation are key factors in directing yond girls and women in realizing their full potential free will and self-worth.

It  appreciate the effort taken by the government of United Republic of Tanzania through legal framework policies and various programs and strategies to ensure the girls and women rights are protected and respected in our communities. 

FOEPAGIWO  we realize that a society with good moral is a result of joint effort that include each stakeholders such as girls and women civil society organization, community members religion leaders, development partners and other stakeholders have the role to play to supplement the efforts by the government of United Republic of Tanzania. 

FOEPAGIWO is the non-governmental organization whose mission is to ENHANCE GIRLS AND WOMEN TO DISCOVER AND REACH their full potential through facilitating their education, empowerment, awareness, health guidance and counseling.


Integrity: To cater for equal participation of girls and women, through engaging them in all social economic development initiatives in the community, government offices and relevant stakeholders.

Professionalism: We emulate high professional standards, requisite skills and knowledge with special priority to girls and women; well to account experiences, competence; and exemplary behavior and ethics.

Accountability: We remain accountable for our actions and impacts.

Inclusion: We honor, recognize and mainstream diversity and offer outstanding opportunities and services to all people irrespective of gender, age, race, ethnic group, socio-economic background and institutions.

Partnerships: We foster collaborative and proactive mutually beneficial relationship with stakeholders including donors, government, beneficiaries, like-minded organizations, and the public in fulfilling our noble cause.

Teamwork: We come together and exert combined efforts in facilitating realization of our goals and those of our partners.










We have been working with a number of organizations towards our goal